Image is like magic window

It allows you to see beyond the walls of your mind.
And invites the light in so that it can shine through your life

Image is like magic window

It allows you to see beyond the walls of your mind.
And invites the light in so it can shine through your life.

My creation it's not just visual.

It is not just some decorative element.
It is the story of my personal growth.
I know it sounds rather vague, so I'll introduce you to a few works right away. 


Start dreaming again


Everything that has ever been created, invented or built started in one way. 
Everything you see around you now was once just an idea.
It started with a vision in someone's mind.
A dream, if you want.
In the head of someone who has allowed himself to step out of ingrained ways of thinking.

Everyone can think about why something doesn't work. 
But then there are people who will do anything for their vision. 
At first they are considered fools, but one day they succeed and suddenly they are celebrated.

You can create in the same way.
You can create a new life for yourself, achieve everything you desire.
All you need is may your dream be stronger than doubt and fear.


A vision of absolute freedom

This work characterizes all my work and has been fundamental in my career. 

It is my vision of absolute freedom.

Above all, financial freedom, because I've always felt that the lack of it is what binds me the most in life.

I actually felt like a slave with a sliver of hope that I decided to paint.

Then I began to change my beliefs about money and work, until a few months later I sold several paintings at once, including this one.

This made me believe even more in my ability to make a living as an artist and it was time to make a big change in my life.

Leap of Faith

A leap of faith

Do you have a huge dream that seems impossible?

Maybe others told you that you can't do it.
But if you really want it, there is a way to achieve it.
Maybe you have a huge change coming up that you have to make.

That's the story of this painting.

"The voice that has always told me what is best for me is getting louder and louder and I am no longer able to live in the old ways. I cease to be able to continue living in society's ideas by ignoring myself and the meaning of my life. 

The time is coming for me to make the hardest decision of my life so far. It's a huge risk, it's a leap into the unknown, and it goes against everything others say. But I believe that this is my mission."

Stories have become

images that can support you now.

As others already support:


"I have that reproduction across from my bed, so every morning when I wake up I look at it and I feel like doing something. (This may seem like a trivial thing… but for a person who didn't even want to exist a few years ago, it's important .) In short, your paintings save and protect my life every day."


“For me, this painting is the perfect embodiment of beauty, love and unique art. His grace and strength awaken the heart of anyone who spends a moment in his company. I recommend Misha's paintings to anyone looking for unique work with deep overlap."


"It evokes in me tenderness, unconditional love and freedom from everything earthly that binds us. Misha's paintings have a huge reach.'


"I have two paintings from Misha that immediately drew me into the "story". It was an intuitive and somewhat impulsive purchase, but I definitely do not regret my decision. In addition, both paintings were personally presented, which was very nice and pleasing. I had the opportunity to know that Misha is a very pleasant, willing, young and talented artist. "


"A beautiful painting that touched my soul and heart. A unique addition to any interior. Thank you."

Mr. Lang

"I absolutely love my piece from Misha! It is glaringly obvious how much of himself he puts into his artwork, it is one of a kind. It was also very pleasant to organize purchasing and shipping the artwork and it arrived in perfect condition. I will definitely be returning to Misha for another great piece!"


Total paintings sold

Exhibitions in Europe

My paintings were exhibited not only in Prague, but also in Bratislava, Madrid and Milan.

Honorable mention

In the worldwide art competition Art Olympia 2019

Customers from all over the world

My paintings bring joy to people from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, the USA and even Australia

What can they support you in now?

Peace and connection
Dreams and visions
Peace and connection
Spiritual path
Unique intention
A piece of nature

Or I can paint picture just for you.

Find a deep one peace and connection.

  • All
  • Paintings for sale

Out of Stock

Nech se prostoupit hlubokým klidem. Tohle je tvé posvátné místo. Olejomalba na plátně 70x50 cm…


10 500,00 

Make yourself comfortable next to me and look up. Surrender to the moment and let…


21 000,00 

Oprosti se od přílišného přemýšlení a ukotvi se v přítomnosti. V tom, co je opravdu…


13 500,00 

Enjoy this beautiful moment at sunset. Let yourself drift on the waves of pleasant energy.…

Go on a journey to success.

  • All
  • Paintings for sale
Getting Better

10 300,00 

Stop and see how far you've come. You still have a lot to do, but don't forget…

Starcase 3

Original price was: 8 250,00 Kč.Current price is: 7 777,00 Kč.

Let yourself be supported on your way to success. Overcome all obstacles that will make you stronger.…

Freedom 4

27 000,00 

Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already here.…

Unlimited Potential

14 400,00 

Tvůj nekonečný potenciál není pouhým snem. Přestaň si v cestě stát.   Olejomalba na plátně…

Starcase 2

Original price was: 8 250,00 Kč.Current price is: 7 777,00 Kč.

Let yourself be supported on your way to success. Overcome all obstacles that will make you stronger.…

Star Destination

Original price was: 8 250,00 Kč.Current price is: 7 777,00 Kč.

Zamiř všechnu svojí energii správným směrem a dosáhni svého cíle.   Akryl na plátně 55x75…

I Allow Myself to Receive

100 000,00 

Allow yourself to accept all the abundance that is there for you. Everything you need and after…

Freedom 6

Out of Stock

Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already here.…

Freedom 5

Out of Stock
27 000,00 

Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already here.…


Out of Stock
7 777,00 

Let yourself be supported on your way to success. Overcome all obstacles that will make you stronger.…

Freedom 2

Out of Stock
30 000,00 

Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already here.…


Out of Stock
15 000,00 

Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already here.…


14 400,00 

Money has a loving message for you: “I'm here for you, always. Nothing from you…

Freedom 3

27 000,00 

Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already here.…

Take courage overcome your fear

  • All
  • Paintings for sale

6 000,00 

Charge yourself with inner strength and self-confidence. Oil painting on canvas 40×60 cm…

Inner Strenght

80 000,00 

Objev svoji vnitřní šelmu. Probuď ji a požádej o to, aby vstoupila do tvého života.…

Death in the Mirror

Out of Stock
20 000,00 

One day you will die. Look at your life from a higher perspective, where you will see your obstacles as…


6 000,00 

Stop worrying so much about what other people think or do about you…

Leap of Faith

14 400,00 

The time is coming to make a big change. It can be a huge risk and against everything else…

Allow yourself dream and create a vision of your new life.

  • All
  • Paintings for sale

7 200,00 

Put your doubts aside and allow yourself to dream. Know what your soul really desires...

Better Future

29 000,00 

Trust in a better future. Everything you desire is prepared for you. You don't even have to…

Daydream 2

14 400,00 

Put your doubts aside and allow yourself to dream. Know what your soul really desires...


19 200,00 

You can create a new life for yourself. You can achieve anything you desire. The only thing that…

Let yourself support on your spiritual journey.

  • All
  • Paintings for sale

14 400,00 

Find the hidden potential and strength in yourself that you never dreamed of. Discover your…


14 400,00 

Get ready for mystical experiences. Oil painting on canvas 60×80 cm 2020

Remember the Truth

7 200,00 

Wake up! You are not a mere body in this material world. There are also possibilities beyond the mind,…

New Beginning

14 400,00 

It's time to overcome your doubts, fears and all the emotions that are holding you back. Start again…

Lost & Found 2

Out of Stock
10 000,00 

Maybe you feel lost in your life right now and nothing makes sense to you. Believe that…

Nothing Really Matters

Out of Stock

Look at your life from a higher perspective. Do you really need to take everything so seriously?…

Lost & Found

Out of Stock
10 000,00 

Maybe you feel lost in your life right now and nothing makes sense to you. Believe that…

Touch of Divinity

14 400,00 


Fill your space love and joy.

  • All
  • Paintings for sale
Endearment 9

6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...

Endearment 7

6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...

Caress of the Soul 2

Original price was: 13 500,00 Kč.Current price is: 11 111,00 Kč.

Let your soul be caressed. Oil painting on canvas 90×60 cm 2021

Endearment 8

6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...

Tears of Bliss

15 000,00 

Heal your love relationships and open yourself to unconditional love. Acrylic on canvas…

Endearment 5

6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...

Endearment 4

Out of Stock
6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...

Endearment 2

Out of Stock
6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...

Lady in my Life

Out of Stock

Based on the song of the same name by Michael Jackson. Oil painting on canvas 75x55 cm…

Caress of the Soul

Out of Stock

Let your soul be caressed. Oil painting on canvas 40×60 cm 2020…

Endearment 3

Out of Stock
6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...


Out of Stock
6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...


Out of Stock

A beautiful picture about love, about enjoying the moments when we are together, alone. …

Endearment 6

6 000,00 

Open your heart and feel deep love. Love for the entire Universe, for our Planet, for...


6 000,00 

Being happy and joyful is your decision. So stop taking everything so seriously, relax…

Achieve your unique purpose.

  • All
  • Paintings for sale

12 000,00 

If you don't feel quite right today, that's okay. Relax, calm down,…


30 000,00 

An intuitive image for you. If it really resonates with you, it's yours. Oil painting…

Clouds of Sorrow

11 400,00 

Coming to terms with grief and your mistakes. Embracing a new path with hope for better times. …

Stranger in Moscow

15 000,00 

Stop clinging to money, success and fame. None of this can replace love or fix…

Thank you

150 000,00 

Feel infinite gratitude for your life and for the fact that everything is possible for you.…

Abundance 2

14 400,00 

Bring more abundance into your life. Oil painting on canvas 60×80 cm 2020


10 725,00 

Open up to the world and express yourself. This image supports the throat chakra and your ability to communicate.…

In Motion

14 250,00 

Take home a piece of nature. It will help you release all emotions and thoughts. Acrylic on…


10 300,00 

Open your eyes and know the truths of life. Acrylic on canvas 75×55 cm 2018


Out of Stock
12 500,00 

? Oil painting on canvas 60×76 cm 2021


Out of Stock
11 000,00 

Don't let the last glimmer of hope go out. Acrylic on canvas 50x70 cm 2019


Out of Stock
17 000,00 

Bring more abundance into your life. Oil painting on canvas 60×80 cm 2020

Signs of Tomorrow

8 750,00 

Let go of your past and let a new day come full of new possibilities. Oil painting…


6 000,00 

Refresh your home with healing energy. Oil painting on canvas 40×60 cm 2021

Take home a piece of nature.

  • All
  • Paintings for sale
Way Home

5 850,00 

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on canvas 45×65 cm 2019

Flower of the Sun

60 000,00 

Remember those calm and warm summer evenings with the last rays of the sun. You also feel the…

Vlčí máky

Out of Stock
50 000,00 

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on canvas 100x100 cm 2020


Out of Stock

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on canvas 60x50 cm 2021

Daisy 2

Out of Stock
20 000,00 

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on canvas 75x55 cm 2020


Out of Stock
20 000,00 

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on canvas 75x55 cm 2019


Out of Stock
20 000,00 

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on wooden board 50x70 cm 2021

Vlčí máky 2

Out of Stock
50 000,00 

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on canvas 100x100 cm 2020

Vlčí máky 3

Out of Stock
50 000,00 

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on canvas 100x100 cm 2021

Cold Reflection

5 250,00 

Take home a piece of nature. Oil painting on canvas 40×60 cm 2021

Support yourself at going through a transformation.

A series of 4 Shift paintings



Nejlepší obrazy za zlomek ceny.

  • All
  • Reproduction
Death in the Mirror

1 122,00 7 528,00 

One day you will die. Look at your life from a higher perspective, where you will see your obstacles as…

Freedom 5

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reproduction Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already…

Inner Strenght

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reprodukce Objev svoji vnitřní šelmu. Probuď ji a požádej o to, aby vstoupila do tvého…


1 262,00 7 528,00 

Reprodukce Oprosti se od přílišného přemýšlení a ukotvi se v přítomnosti. V tom, co je…

New Beginning

1 122,00 7 528,00 

It's time to overcome your doubts, fears and all the emotions that are holding you back. Start again…


1 122,00 7 528,00 

Rozbij svoje iluze reality. Najdi v sobě skrytý potenciál a sílu, o které se ti…


1 122,00 7 528,00 

?   2021, originál byl prodán.  


1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reprodukce Peníze tu pro tebe mají láskyplný vzkaz: “Jsem tu pro tebe, vždycky. Nic od…

Freedom 4

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reproduction Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already…

Freedom 3

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reproduction Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already…


1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reproduction Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already…

Freedom 2

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reproduction Free yourself from earthly bonds and soar. Your absolute freedom and abundance is already…


1 122,00 7 528,00 

You can create a new life for yourself. You can achieve anything you desire. The only thing that…

Unlimited Potential

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reprodukce Tvůj nekonečný potenciál není pouhým snem. Otevři se mu.   Originál najdeš zde.

Leap of Faith

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reprodukce Přichází čas udělat velkou změnu. Může to být obrovský risk a proti všemu, co…

Nothing Really Matters

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Look at your life from a higher perspective. Do you really need to take everything so seriously?…


1 122,00 7 528,00 

Reprodukce Nech se prostoupit hlubokým klidem. Tohle je tvé posvátné místo.   Originál byl prodán.

I Allow Myself to Receive

1 122,00 7 528,00 

Allow yourself to accept all the abundance that is there for you. Everything you need and after…

You can't see here your image?

Maybe it's not done yet.

Or it can only be created through our cooperation.

If you have a vision or intention for your own personal image, I will be happy to create it for you.

Just write and soon you can feel his support.