Remember the Truth

Wake up!

You are not a mere body in this material world.

There are possibilities beyond the mind that you cannot see.

Endless possibilities.

Open up to them.


Oil painting on canvas
40x60 cm

7 200,00 

1 in stock

How could I forget again?

That the whole universe stands by me.

Miracles do happen.

And I have something to offer!


Again, I was convinced that I was on my own.

And that if I do nothing, I get nothing.

Maybe if I had realized this a little earlier, I wouldn't have ended up in the hospital and without an income.

The last month has been quite challenging for me.

It was just too much.

In all the chaos and daily responsibilities, I lost perspective, strength and ultimately myself.

And probably because I couldn't go on any longer, my subconscious decided it would be best if my stomach hurt so I could go to the hospital for surgery.

Actually, I wasn't very conscious for quite a long time, and my sleep continued for several more hopeless days in a bed that was so uncomfortable that I preferred to dream of sleeping on the floor.

But I didn't dare to do that, so as not to scare the nurses.

When I got home, I finally decided to clarify what had really happened to me.

I took my journal and started writing.

And it dawned on me.

It occurred to me that five had fallen into oblivion again.

As if I had become petrified in my old patterns and had forgotten my true nature.

I forgot that I am more than just a body in this material world.

I forgot that there are possibilities that I am unable to see.

It was this realization that gave me a vision of a new image.

He is here for you now to remind you that you are more than just a few repetitive thoughts.

Let yourself be supported on your spiritual path..

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