Lost & Found 2

Maybe you feel lost in your life right now and nothing makes sense to you.

Trust that this is just a period that will result in a deeper understanding.


Oil painting on canvas
50x60 cm

10 000,00 

Out of stock

I knew where to go, but I lost my way. I suddenly woke up now in a fog, not knowing how I got here. I've been slowly moving on for the last few months, but I don't even know where to go anymore. I lost myself and my goal. I got into such a deep fog that I forgot what the sun looked like. Every time a fog seemed to disappear, another appeared. I began to doubt again whether my journey had any meaning at all. But then it started to dawn on me what was actually happening to me, and above all I realized that I was creating this fog myself. Maybe subconsciously, but still just me. Old wounds showed up and I kept allowing myself to be controlled by a wounded ego that left me wandering in a fog of inadequacy and self-doubt. As I began to realize this and then focus on why I am really here and what my true value is, I saw more and more clearly what was really true and what was not. The fog has lifted and I can now see my goal clearly again. I found my self-confidence and even though the fog keeps trying to hold me back, I keep going after my dream, after my star potential.

Let yourself be supported on your spiritual path..

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Lost & Found

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